[GENERAL] db_adaptor = Bio::DB::SeqFeature::Store db_args = -adaptor memory -dir '/opt/projects/banana-genome.cirad.fr/htdocs/gbrowse2/databases/volvox' # just the basic track dumper plugin plugins = TrackDumper # list of tracks to turn on by default default features = ExampleFeatures # size of the region region segment = 10000 # examples to show in the introduction examples = ctgA # feature to show on startup initial landmark = ctgA:5000..10000 ######################## # Default glyph settings ######################## [TRACK DEFAULTS] glyph = generic height = 10 bgcolor = lightgrey fgcolor = black font2color = blue label density = 25 bump density = 100 # where to link to when user clicks in detailed view link = AUTO ################## TRACK CONFIGURATION #################### # the remainder of the sections configure individual tracks ########################################################### [ExampleFeatures] feature = remark glyph = generic stranded = 1 bgcolor = blue height = 10 key = Example Features