[GENERAL] description = C. elegans Extra Annotations db_adaptor = Bio::DB::SeqFeature::Store db_args = -adaptor memory -dir "/opt/projects/banana-genome.cirad.fr/htdocs/gbrowse2/databases/elegans_extra" # options drag and drop = 1 balloon tips = 1 titles are balloons = 1 plugins = GFFDumper das mapmaster = SELF # list of tracks to turn on by default default features = REPEAT TSA DA EXP # examples to show in the introduction examples = C01F4 # a footer footer =
For the source code for this browser, see the Generic Model Organism Database Project. For other questions, send mail to lstein@cshl.org. |
$Id: elegans_extra.conf,v 1.1 2008-10-22 18:54:40 lstein Exp $# Various places where you can insert your own HTML -- see configuration docs html1 = html2 = html3 = html4 = html5 = html6 = # what image widths to offer image widths = 450 640 800 1024 # default width of detailed view (pixels) default width = 800 # Web site configuration info stylesheet = /gbrowse/gbrowse.css buttons = /gbrowse/images/buttons tmpimages = /gbrowse/tmp # max and default segment sizes for detailed view max segment = 50000 default segment = 5000 # zoom levels zoom levels = 100 200 1000 2000 5000 10000 20000 40000 # colors of the overview, detailed map and key overview bgcolor = lightgrey detailed bgcolor = lightgoldenrodyellow key bgcolor = beige ######################## # Default glyph settings ######################## [TRACK DEFAULTS] glyph = generic height = 10 bgcolor = lightgrey fgcolor = black font2color = blue label density = 25 bump density = 100 # where to link to when user clicks in detailed view link = AUTO ################## TRACK CONFIGURATION #################### # the remainder of the sections configure individual tracks ########################################################### # for the file elegans_repeats.gff [REPEAT] feature = repeat bgcolor = white das category = repeat key = Complex repeats [TSA] feature = trans-splice_acceptor_site glyph = diamond bgcolor = red das category = transcription key = Trans-splice Acceptors [DA] feature = deletion glyph = span das category = variation key = Gene knockouts # for the file elegans_expression.gff [EXP] feature = microarray_oligo bgcolor = orange height = 4 das category = experimental key = Microarray expression probe